Sales Leads 101: InfoUSA vs. Market MagiQ

In this series, we tackle common questions and resolve problems associated with poor ROI on marketing campaigns.

Q: How is Market MagiQ different from InfoUSA?

A: This is a question I’ve personally fielded over the past few months. Market MagiQ is a first line list compiler, we generate our own leads. Our leads are continuously collected and processed, our turn around time is usually between 24-48 hours. Our leads are the freshest in the industry.

InfoUSA is a large list marketing company with quality leads, however their data is outdated. InfoUSA lead data is usually 3-6 months out of date, and due to additional overhead costs due to their business processes, their cost per lead is considerably more expensive. InfoUSA does a lot of QA/QC on their data, which may be useful if you are looking for information specific to your application.

Ultimately if you want freshest leads to capture an expanding market, InfoUSA lead data is just not fresh enough.